
About us


Repair X was founded by Phillip Aiken, located in Virginia. We are currently in a startup position seeking to grow in the repair industry. Inventory will be limited while we seek investment and partnerships to start production with our manufacturers. 

Our mission:

Repair X wants to be the hub for all things repair. In the repair industry, there lacks a cohesive solution to buying parts, finding repair information, and communicating with other technicians. Repair X wants to bring all of these things under one roof. Providing expert repair information, with a strong social network of the world's top technicians combined with revolutionary Repair X magnetic repair guides and accompanying videos will change the repair industry forever.

Our intention is to bring a product to businesses and customers alike, in which repairing your device will be easier than ever.

 For questions, investment, partnership opportunities or inquiry, please contact us at:

7870 Tidewater Dr Ste 206 #171
Norfolk VA 23505
United States

US 10235900 B2

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